
Blog 1

Blog 1

1. What are your favorite contemporary art / design / craft / interior magazines? (name at least five)

FRAME, the world's leading magazine of interior and product design. A magazine from Amsterdam, Netherlands

Wallpaper*, featuring art, architecture, design, fashion, lifestyle, technology and cars founded in London.

Casa Brutus, Japanese interior design and architecture magazine.

POL Oxygen, an award-winning international design, art and architecture quarterly magazine.

SURFACE, American design, fashion, and lifestyle magazine from New York.

2. Why do you read these particular publications? Comment on content and writing style.

I like reading these magazines because they all are international publications and also top of the line magazines in design. These magazines always provide the freshest contents, the newest products, and the most up-to-date information. They are from different continents and with various cultural backgrounds so I could learn different design concepts. Most of the magazines that I have mentioned have electronic versions. I could always read them at anywhere and anytime.     

FRAME is an interior design magazine which has an ability to record the spirit of the times. I was attracted by the backwards E on the cover when I first saw it. I really enjoyed reading it because it covers various areas of design. Every issue of FRAME contains the following parts: details - shows the world the latest complete detailed interior design work; Portrait - is about depth coverage of young interior designers or architects; Products - brings readers the latest and most noteworthy products, from furniture, lighting, display systems, and etc.; and “Features” – gives readers a very unique and deep analysis from different perspectives. 


Tyler Brule, the founder of WALLPAPER*, says it is all about the stuff that surrounds you. WALLPAPER* has won many awards due to its excellent design, exquisite content, and beautiful typography. Tyler Brule said: “People enjoy Coke every time they have that brown sparkling drink because the taste of Coke never changes, so does our magazine.” Although people began to question if WALLPAPER* magazine was still the authority of modern design since Brule left in 2002, I am quite certain that WALLPAPER* magazine still continues with its old features like advance, smart and wisdom.

Casa Brutus is like the feminine and home version of WALLPAPER*. The Japanese are very sensitive to changes in fashion trends, which is naturally reflected in "Casa Brutus" in. I especially like some special editions which featured Tadao Ando, and other famous architects and designers, as well as special issues like “Find the Real Hawaii”, “Tokyo Featured”, “World BEST100”, and “Japan BEST100”. 

POL Oxygen is an international design, art, architecture magazine at the forefront of creative thinking. It details the lives and works of creators who will take us into the future and is the essential way to keep up with the best the creative world offers. I personally prefer its style and how it is edited. I read their articles like I was reading an attractive story and it always had ideas or stories behind the design revealed to readers. The magazine always had a large number of close-up photos which I believe was the most effective way to attract readers. 

American magazine, SURFACE, is a pioneer in fashion, art, architecture, interior design, graphic design and even film and music. The magazine is popular for its November Avant Guardian Issue, in which thousands of applicants in the field of emerging photography compete to be a part of the highly coveted “Avant Guardian Portfolio”, as the Avant Guardian is recognized for its ability to launch careers in fashion photography. I reckon freshness is the major feature of the magazine, with the ability to identify and collaborate with undiscovered talent from furniture makers to fashion designers. The magazine acts as a cultural barometer of global style in all its forms.

3. Who are your favorite designers? Why? (name at least 5)

                                            http://archpaper.com/uploads/image/Ando2.jpgTadao Ando--- Tadao Ando is an Architect who has combined artistic and intellectual talent. His architectures are so practical, spiritual. I really like the design of light and shadow by Ando, Especially his "Light of the church", "Water of the Church".  I like his style of extreme simplicity of the design.

Zaha Hadid--- in 2004Hadid won the Pritzker Architecture Prize, and became the first and the youngest woman to receive the highest honor in this world architecture awards. She is one of female architects that I admired. I like her designs, especially those work to express the idea in her bold use of space and geometry.

Eileen Gray--- the Irish artist who was a pioneer of modern design. Eileen Gray’s steel furniture design is classic. I like the simplicity of modern design and a unique graceful and decorative style from a female’s perspective. In my opinion the most perfect and the most representative of Eileen Gray’s work is E1027.


Antonio Gaudi--- His work gives me very deep impression. In his eyes, everything was inspired by nature and fantasy. The curvature of the waves, conch lines, honeycomb Gezhi, the shape of mythological figures, and all of these formed his unique ways of expression. He hated stiff lines and would always use soft color curves and colorful expression of all. I truly appreciate his style.

Jorn Utzon--- Sydney Opera House is one of my favorite buildings; John Wooden is an amazing architect .  The geometry of the shells define the Sydney Opera House and the building’s organic shape and lack of surface decoration have made it both timeless and ageless.

4. If you were on a desert island, what five design objects would you take with you, and why?

(This does not include boats, flares, gps devices or other rescue devices!)

A water purifier. 

Julie Frost designed the water purifier which has been granted Bronze Prize in the student category of the 2006 Australian Design Awards. Julie Frost identified that “1.2 billion people in the world do not have access to safe drinking water and 6, 000 children die every day from diseases that can be prevented by improved water and sanitation.”(Mclaren, W. 2006) Her answer to this dilemma was to create a household water purifier that use pasteurization using direct solar heat to treat water. 

A desert island does not seem to rain often. Human can live 5 days without food but only 2 days without water so drinkable water is essential.  I need a water purifier to turn sea water into drinkable water and make sure I have clean water to keep me stay alive.

A large Swiss army knife. 


"In 1896, after five years of hard work, Karl Elsener managed to put the blades on both sides of the handle using a special spring mechanism, allowing him to use the same spring to hold them in place, an innovation at the time. This allowed Elsener to put twice as many features on the knife; he added a second cutting blade and a corkscrew. "

A Swiss army knife has a variety of uses. I can use it as lots of different tools. It helps me chop wood, cut food, and I can use it to defense myself if I see some small animals or even hunt.

A waterproof sleeping bag. 

"The "Euklisia Rug", patented by mail-order pioneer Pryce Jones in the late 19th century, is considered by many to have been the first forerunner of the modern sleeping bag."

Temperature is often not very high at night in desert. So a good sleeping bag can make me warm and sleep well overnight. If there has a rain on the island, I can also hide in my sleeping bag as it is waterproof.

A watch combined with compass. 


I can know time date as well as directions. I will not worry about getting lost if the woods or desert.

A fishing rod. 


"Judging by stone inscriptions, fishing rods go back to ancient Egypt, China, Greece, Trinidad and Tobago, Rome and medieval England, where they were called "angles" (hence the term "angling" as a synonym for fishing). Prior to widespread availability of synthetic materials, such as fibreglass and graphite composites, fishing rods were typically made from split Tonkin bamboo, Calcutta reed, or ash wood, as it was necessary that they be made light, tough, and pliable. The butts were frequently made of maple, with bored bottom; this butt outlasted several tops. Handles and grips were generally of cork, wood, or wrapped cane. Guides were made of simple wire loops or, later, loops with ring-shaped agate inserts for better wear.  "

Some fish for meal would be good and I can also kill some time while fishing. 

works cited:












Mclaren, W. 2006. Julie Frost's 'Mvura' Water Purifier Wins Design Award. http://www.treehugger.com/files/2006/06/julie_frosts_mv.php








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