
Blog 4

1. Describe your first impressions of the Jasmax workspace and your subsequent impressions.

I was attracted immediately by the large open workspace when I walked into Jasmax work area. Modern design style, exquisite furniture and fittings, using of a variety of colors, bright opening space, all of these give people a fresh felling. After Tim’s presentation I found the design and details are very clever and underplayed. The new studio in Parnell is part refurbishment and part new-build.

2.   What are the most useful things that you take away from Tim Hooson’s talk in a few keywords?

Open-minded, Empathetic, Expressive, Creative, Flexible, Authentic, Candid, Curious, Insightful.

3. Critically analyse one Jasmax project from their website.

Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand

The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa is the national museum and art gallery of New Zealand, located is on the waterfront in Wellington. Te Papa was designed by Jasmax Architects, and its opening in 1998.

“Te Papa is a bi-cultural institution in its organizational structure, exhibitions concept and its architecture. The final design brief centred on the exhibitions concept plan developed by specialist exhibition designers, which expressed bi-cultural relationships through distinctive land settlement patterns of NZ.” (New Zealand Institute of Architects, 16)
This design supports a conceptual planning that combined into the separate departmental collections into a unified collection, to soften the boundaries between contemporary art history, and the natural environment departments. This whole design,not only had a perfect combination in exterior and interior, but also considered very carefully on functional and convenience.

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