
blog 8

Blog 8

What are some of the important considerations for interior practitioners when designing for an historic site?

Understanding the heritage of the historic site is essential for interior practitioners. The fundamental challenge has been to restore the wonderful heritage building while developing a flexible and contemporary design. Designers need to make sure that the proposed function for the historic site is compatible with the existing condition and it is important to maintain the integrity and original style of the historic building. Original design and new design should interact with each other. Determine the appropriate treatment for a historic property before work begins, at project initiation. Generally, the least amount of change to the building's historic design and original architectural fabric is the preferred approach. Updating building systems in historic structures requires striking a balance between retaining original building features and accommodating new technologies and equipment. Building system updates require creativity to respect the original design and materials while meeting the needs. Minor modifications can be made to adapt existing buildings to compatible new uses. Systems can be upgraded to meet modern building requirements and codes. This not only makes good economic sense, but also preserves our legacy and is an inherently sustainable practice.

Recall an historic site/home that you have visited. What can you remember about the displays and the possibilities for interaction for the audience?

I have visited Auckland art gallery. The main gallery is housed in one of the city's oldest civic buildings, a New Zealand Historic Places Trust category 1 building, much admired for its beauty and timeless architecture. Unfortunately, gallery could only show 3-4 per cent of its collection at any one time, and was often unable to accept large exhibitions due to constraints in the scale and flexibility of its space.

I can remember seeing some portrait paintings of previous Maori kings and princesses. Those displayed paintings and layout of the room provides a very strong sense of history. Audience might feel that time was rewinding back to the Maori kings era. These displays established a cultural presence and an opportunity for public ceremony and welcome to the building.

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