
blog 9

Blog 9:

Visit the Interior Designers Educators Association website and find the online Journal.

Select one article to respond to in a 300-400 word critical analysis of the text.

Cys, Joanne., “Absence of Structure.” The internet Idea journal (2005): 31-39

In mainstream design practice, the disciplines of interior design and landscape architecture most commonly come together in the context of an architectural project. The two disciplines may not necessarily collaborate, but true collaboration between disciplines could occur in a new process of design that is informed by their collaborators from other professional areas.

The dominant mother------Architecture
Architecture as the mother has simultaneously nurtured and dominated the practices of landscape architecture and interior design. In the highly competitive area of architectural commissions, with relatively short time allowances and low fee percentages, it is common for interior design and landscape architecture consultants to supply their design expertise after the bulk work is complete. Such a situation separates the interior and landscape practitioners’ design contribution. (Cys, 31-32)

The c-word------Collaboration
True collaboration rarely enters commercial interior design and landscape architecture practice because true collaboration occurs only if practitioners step beyond their professional boundaries and engage new process of design. Structure of standard project processes does not provide opportunity for such collaboration. In fact there is no need for the two practices to collaborate. Restrictions of project flexibility in mainstream commercial practice may also restrict opportunities for design collaboration. (Cys, 32-35)

Unowned space, landscape architect and interior designer can collaborate well under certain circumstances.
Teams of different design practitioners develop their design solutions in “the match” tournament in 2004 Adelaide. An evaluation questionnaire was completed afterwards. Some described his normal experience as being highly influenced by fee and structures that resulted in the project consultants trying to keep their professional territory to themselves. The respondents commonly described the enthusiasm and commitment of their fellow team members as contributing to the success of the collaboration. Collaboration encouraged team members to move beyond their individual professional boundaries. (Cys, 35-38)

Absence of structure conclusion
After the first year studying of interior design, I agree with Joanne's point about collaboration. Although I did not have any opportunity to work with the designers in other areas, for a designer, teamwork and collaboration are a very important. For example, the weekly presentation in our studio wallpaper design, the critics from the classmates always give me different views of my design and new inspirations.

Interior designers and landscape architects collaboration provided an alternative way of thinking and making a different way of practicing design. Collaboration offers practitioners from these disciplines respite and freedom from what can often be a subjugated professional position in mainstream practice. (Cys, 39)

Works cite list:

Cys, Joanne., “Absence of Structure.” The internet Idea journal (2005): 31-39

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